The Forsythe Lab focuses on understanding the culture(s) of science. We work to uncover, and reform, oppressive systems in science to (re)imagine science that is created by, and works for, all identities. We primarily focus on three areas: 1) Science Culture(s), 2) Participatory Science, 3) Equity and Justice within Science. Below are a list of some projects but we are always open to new ideas and collabs!
Science Culture(s)
Culture can be defined in many ways, but one such definition is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, beliefs and social norms of a group. With this in mind, how do we define the culture of science? Even more important, what aspects of this culture are problematic? beautiful? engaging? harmful? Projects under this theme look to explore the various culture(s) within science and understand their impact on individuals.
The culture of collaboration and group work with Dr. Marina Tourlakis
Unpacking the culture of Neuroscience with Tiffany Kinyua​
Examining how Non-STEM spaces impact STEM identity in STEM Students
Participatory Science
Participatory science engages the public to ask research questions, collect data and assist in analyzing the results. While many scientists have always recognized the importance of engaging the public in scientific understanding, it has become even more clear that there is a wide divide between those who do science for a living and the public, and that this divide is harming our society. It's the job of scientist to bridge this divide. This work is just starting in our lab and we welcome new ideas!
Equity and Justice in Science
This is by far the largest, and arguably most important, research in our lab. While science culture(s) and participatory science are both spaces in which equity and justice exist, this line of work focuses specifically on combatting racism, sexism, ableism, and discrimination against queer peoples.
Asian Americans Experiencing Racism in STEM with Jeremy Hsu, Rou-Jia Sung, Stanley Lo, Jessie Tsai, Tammy Bui, Andy Trinh, & Lillian Lee
The intersection of disability and MIoSG (minoritized identities of sexuality and gender) in STEM with Meg C. Jones, Annemarie Vaccaro, and Victoria Chávez
Instructors' Journeys towards Social Justice in their Pedagogy and Curriculum with Bryan Dewsbury, Jeremy Hsu